Originally published at Dope Magazine
Producer Debbie Durkin’s 12th Annual EcoLuxe Pre-Awards party was once again in full swing. A champagne brunch honoring television’s biggest night and supporting charity partner With Our Words “WOW Voices”- a non-profit youth literacy program.
At the top of the historic Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, fans, media and stars alike gathered together, escorted around the suite and introduced to the event sponsors.
Jamaican Tourist Business Development Manager, Dian Hollard was a huge success with her friend Leonie McDonald’s Strictly Vegan Jamaican Cuisine, (by the way you can also find Strictly Vegan at music festivals like Coachella). Both Dian and Leonie glowed with a kindness I can only assume comes straight out of Jamaica. Dian was such a lovely person to speak with, I found myself trying to convince her to sneak me back to Jamaica in her suitcase.
Los Angeles Artist/Illustrator Gabe Gault displayed his beautiful and massive paintings of Hollywood and pop stars which were a true centerpiece to the event.
Tables with vendors from makeup companies such as Beauty Kitchen’s Heather Marianna who has a successful YouTube channel, to luxury suitcases (for the traveling stars), and a monstrous photo booth that looked more like a time machine than a camera.
But the highlight of the vendors was the cannabis gift bags put together by CEO Brad Mclaughlin and CTO Scott Edge of BUDTRADER. Spread across two tables laid a display of high-end cannabis products, along with the latest issue of DOPE Magazine. A wall of branded duffle bags containing all these products, stacked up and lined the wall behind them. Brad and Scott did a fantastic job not only gathering and organizing the products, they also did an outstanding job representing the cannabis industry to those invited to the event. Thanks BUDTRADERS.
We’ve come a long way Cannabis. We’re at the Emmy’s!