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Sinkhole by John Wayne Comunale

After the hurricane, Reggie and Betsy discover a portion of their backyard has begun to sink. Fearing the ground will open up and swallow their house sooner rather than later, Reggie calls the city to come fix it, but push back from the local Sheriff slows the process down by a day. Come nightfall the power goes out, the sinkhole opens, and a busload of ghoulish children crawl to the surface for their first meal in fifty-two years.



Release Date: July 1, 2019

87 pgs


JOHN WAYNE COMUNALE lives in the neon-drenched city of sin Las Vegas to prepare himself for the heat in Hell. He is the author of Death Pacts and Left-Hand Paths, The Cadillac Man, Sinkhole, The Cycle, and more. He hosts the weekly storytelling podcast John Wayne Lied to You and fronts the punk rock disaster johnwayneisdead. He currently travels around the country giving truly unique and most excellent performances of the written word.

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Sinkhole by John Wayne Comunale


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